Friday, November 9, 2012

Update on what's been going on

Hey everyone! So I do have the last Lego set(s) for The Lord of the Rings Lego's that are currently out for purchase. I'll be building it tonight and possibly getting a picture of it and everything for you guys to see it out! I've been fairly busy with my youtube channel @ if anyone is interested in checking out some game play footage, hope you enjoy!

All right so I've checked out some fan made Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Lego sets and since I haven't uploaded any of the new sets I've gotten here is a picture of a really awesome Lego fan made Tower of Orthanc/Isengaurd with Tree Ents! If you look closely you'll see the Tree Ent that was lit on fire and put it out with the breaking of the dam in Isengaurd, from the movie. **I DID NOT BUILD THIS**

Also in the near future I may be doing some "Lego Give Away" for those that follow my blog. The Lego sets do not have to be Lord of the Rings/Hobbit for this idea. I would just need you to comment with the type of Lego set or even specific Lego set that you are interested in getting and I would choose at random, or something like that I don't have everything set in stone yet.